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Outsource Microservices Development

Implementation of a Microservices architecture gives you the capability to respond rapidly to the never-ending demands of the business.

Do you want to provide software deployment cycles at maximum rapid, encourage innovation, accomplish maintainability and scalability of software applications? Want to scale up a team delivering software and help crews to operate independently from each other?

Mitigate the risks, change radically the customer experience and meet competition wherever it arises with the help of our DevOps team.

Microservices approach implementation: what is Microservices architecture?

Microservices is a suite of small separate services with heterogeneous processes, that run altogether and constitute a fully-fledged app. These services are:

The microservice architecture enables the continuous delivery/deployment of large, complex applications. Moreover, it also allows an organization to evolve its technology stack.

How and where Microservices can benefit to your business

Agile software development

Small agile teams are the best option for working with the microservice architecture pattern. A well-organized group of 3-5 people focuses on specific areas of the project and makes small deliveries in milestones. Hence, communication with clients is easier to maintain. Moreover, the client can give a quick feedback and the team can quickly respond to it. Project management is partially success of the project. With microservices you can use one of the best approaches to it.


DevOps engineers assure lightweight container deployment, continuous integration and decentralized continuous delivery, continuous refactoring, efficient service monitoring which is all possible and highly appreciated when working with MSA. Therefore, microservices ensures all these DevOps practices are implemented effectively.

With our seasoned DevOps engineers will be possible the follows:

Simpler deploy
Simpler deploy

since deploy does not affect other services

Easier understand and work with the code
Easier understand and work with the code

because of that the function is isolated and less dependent

Faster isolate defect
Faster isolate defect

if one microservice fails, the other will continue to work

Significantly mitigate the risk of change
Significantly mitigate the risk of change

with microservices became possible to faster notice the problem, and respectively, to fix it or roll back to the previous version with no errors


How microservice architecture works?

While using microservices architecture, your app comprises several complete components which can work without linking to the other similar small parts of the app. However, altogether they constitute a complex and large application. Each of these little parts, which are focused on business capabilities, can be developed in different languages, with its own databases. Each service is built and deployed apart from the whole system. Moreover, it can be separately rebuilt if needed, without changing the whole app. Services within the system communicate via REST APIs.

Are there examples of microservices architecture used for large enterprise applications?

Amazon, eBay, Netflix, Twitter, PayPal, Soundcloud, and others follow the microservice architecture example. Such major services choose this type of architecture because it guarantees a high velocity of releases, assures scalability and modularity, organizes small teams for work on different parts of the software. Microservices are the innovation which simplifies working on a big ongoing project.

Ready to get started? Please complete the Contact form to unlock the beyond doubt Microservices benefits!

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