Kicking off the project can be a pain in the neck, but looking for project contributors can be even more challenging. You can interview developers one after another till you find the right one, and then again start looking for a designer, a tester. Creating your own team with freelance employees requires project management skills, which not all clients have as the team must work harmoniously. This is why development companies are better choice in this regard: you’ll already get a full-fledged team with well-established communication.
Tie up a contract with an IT company may seem a less affordable option: collaboration with a bunch of people on predetermined conditions seems a lot at first. You don’t even realize why you need so many workers. However, in practice, such multidisciplinary approach brings its benefits.

Some clients would rather hire one person for a project. You may wonder their reasons for starting working with an individual developer. They can be different, but the most important is that the decision is based on their objectives, resources, and complexity of the project. A small application without a fixed deadline for the release is a suitable deal for one developer. However, sometimes it seems that client cannot fully understand when the project requires an individual developer and when it needs the team.
Of course, the working process with a professional developer has lots of benefits. He/she is the main point of communication, and you discuss tasks directly with the person. Besides all work-related issues, you build personal relationships and get a trusted partner in business. Individual workers are more likely to be flexible with the time. Usually, they have a freelance job and their timetable is not fixed, so if any bug comes up you both can quickly deal with that. Costs for an individual developer are, obviously, less than for a team. Hiring one for a small project may be very effective when the same for a complex app can turn into a disaster.
So revise the following aspects, compare them to your objectives, and figure out why you’d better outsource the company.
Diverse set of skills
It’s no secret that every team member has its own area of expertise. Hiring a company you get project managers, designers, developers, testers, sysadmins, DevOps engineers, SEO, copywriters, business analysts, and many others. The company can take over the complex project and successfully get it through all the stages from preparation to release, particularly:
- Project manager helps to prepare all the details, creates the specification;
- Designer is in charge of the UI assets and UX;
- Front-end developer codes a beautiful UI;
- Backend developer builds all the business logic;
- System administrator sets up the environment;
- DevOps engineer organizes software development environments, collaboration of teams and processes to ensure the rapid, frequent, and reliable release of the software;
- SEO specialists optimizes your website to be competitive;
- Copywriter provides a creative and competitive content with relevant keywords;
- Business analyst elucidates stakeholders requirements to the software and analyses their business processes.
Based on experience, the team can also encounter risks. Even if you start with MVP with minimum functionality, and a single developer can build the app, you still going to hire a designer and tester. You need to have in mind that you should establish communication within the team. Unlike in the case if you hire a company with the staff that can help, advise, and provide a full service for you. And as your project grows your team is capable to handle all the tasks.

If you have little experience in a tech area, you can rely on your colleagues. Whether you hire an individual developer or a company, you will have a professional who knows how to code. But the former can help you on a less large scale. The collaboration with a big team assures you different experiences in every corner of IT sphere. And you get help and valuation from designers to support specialists. This is extremely valuable for start-ups which just begin their career path to the big companies. Assistance and credible help mean a lot.
Discussing some topics with developers are challenging: you may not understand some aspects as they express tech knowledge. In that case, you always have the opportunity to talk to the project manager. As a mediator between the team and the client, she/he knows what each stage of the project is about and can explain it to you in plain words.
Nevertheless, if you need to dive deep into the project, understand its peculiarities, collaborate with developers companies usually welcome clients to connect with project members. Moreover, if you have some experience in the sphere, you can share and apply it.
Availability is often a crucial thing, especially for tight deadlines. Working with the company is a steady job. Teams within companies work full time, and you will always know in what hours you can reach them. Along with that comes planning and deliberate project management: the team is aware of its hours of availability, so the project manager can distribute tasks accurately for the months ahead. With an individual you can rely on flexibility and you have more chances that urgent work will be done immediately. With a team there is high chances that there will not even be an urgent situation.
For the last, a few things for you
These days there are a lot of companies on the market, and you can easily get confused. It’s not easy to hire the right company, but this is possible. You need to interview a hundred of firms to pick one, but if you do it thoroughly you’ll get reliable co-workers. To do so, remember that:
The most important thing is the focus on your goals. You must clearly define your requirements in order to know what you expect from the companies. It also helps you to understand roles of one or another specialist on your project.
Interview not only the company representative who is often a business development manager or sales manager but the team as well. Ask them about their skills and experience considering also aptitude and aspirations. Soft skills are as important as hard skills. You need to connect with the team, understand, and trust them.
Do not afraid to hire companies with a lower rate and small history online. Developers may have 10+ years of experience in software engineering but offer their services online only for 2 months. Again, ask them about experience during the interview.
Stay realistic about your budget. You need to understand that development itself is a very complex process and it requires a lot of man-hours. Do not try to find the cheapest option, consider better price-quality trade-off.
And last but not least, move in baby steps. At first to the features the app must have, and then those which are nice to have. Don’t do everything at once, let your project grow. This will prevent you from critical issues.