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DevOps outsourcing services

Want to excel among your competitors by efficiently deploying changes to your software product without compromising quality? Improve your product infrastructure and ensure continuous development with the services of Yourserveradmin company. Our outsource Devops engineers have extensive experience in implementing DevOps practices since 2009 and have unique skills to help you automate and standardize infrastructure deployment processes and take your software development process to the next level.


The microservice approach implementation allows an entire system to be divided into multiple component services so that each is flexible, robust and complete, runs as autonomous processes, and communicates with one another through APIs. That is to say, it can be deployed independently without compromising the integrity of an application, thereby giving developers the freedom to develop and deploy services independently.


Containers allow for developers to work with identical development environments and stacks having simplified and speeded up the process of deployment and configuration.

CI/CD pipelines

The adoption of CI/CD on practice enables to always keep the code ready for production, to faster and easily detect errors thanks to small and frequent changes and tests, and lastly, reduces the time to deliver new features to end users because of automation.

What is DevOps

Since 2009 a new methodology unites developers and system administrators. This technique is called DevOps and it is targeted to organize the development process for quick and quality release. Our company attempts to stay tuned and follow new tendencies in software development. Obviously, DevOps is explained as development + operations. Its main goal is to automate and standardize processes for application lifecycle, including designing, development, testing, deployment, support and monitoring. This implies that DevOps engineer is a professional who combines these two specializations. Usually, it is more common to find a developer who is interested in deployment too or a system administrator who has passion to coding. But today more and more often we can find the term “DevOps engineer” when it comes to understanding both server management and application development.

DevOps practices

Continuous Integration & Delivery
Continuous Integration & Delivery

CI/CD automates the integration and delivery of code changes, ensuring that software can be released reliably and frequently. This practice minimizes manual errors, enhances collaboration, and accelerates the development lifecycle by automatically testing and deploying code.

Source Control
Source Control

Source control systems, such as Git, manage changes to code over time, enabling collaboration and version tracking among development teams. These systems provide a central repository for code, ensuring that all changes are documented, reversible, and easily integrated, enhancing collaboration and maintaining code integrity.


Monitoring involves continuously observing system metrics, performance indicators, and application health in real-time. It enables proactive detection of issues such as resource usage, response times, and error rates. Effective monitoring ensures that teams can quickly identify and address potential issues before they impact users, thereby maintaining optimal performance and reliability.


Capturing and storing detailed records of events and activities within applications and systems. It provides valuable insights into application behavior, user interactions, and system operations. Logs are essential for troubleshooting, debugging, and auditing purposes, helping teams understand and analyze past events to improve performance, diagnose problems, and maintain security and compliance.

Integrated Testing
Integrated Testing

Integrated testing embeds automated testing into the development pipeline, ensuring that code changes are continuously validated. This process includes unit tests, integration tests, and end-to-end tests, which detect issues early, reduce defects, and ensure the quality and functionality of the software before deployment.

Automated Deployment
Automated Deployment

Streamlines the process of releasing software by automating the steps involved in deploying applications to production environments. This reduces manual intervention, minimizes errors, and accelerates the release cycle, ensuring that new features and updates reach users quickly and reliably.

Cloud computing
Cloud computing

Provides on-demand access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources: servers, storage, and applications. This model supports scalability, flexibility, and cost-efficiency, allowing organizations to quickly scale resources to meet demand and only pay for what they use. It also supports remote access and collaboration, enhancing overall productivity and innovation.

DevOps benefits for your business from our approach

Stages of Our DevOps Management Process

DevOps tools and technologies we use

Devops engineers At Yourserveradmin are proficient in market-leading tools and cutting-edge technologies that enhance company workflows when applied effectively. Leverage our comprehensive DevOps outsourcing expertise to elevate your project or optimize your in-house workflow structure for lasting improvements.

Infrastructure automation and management



Continuous integration/ continuous deployment


AWS CodePipeline/ CodeBuild/ CodeDeploy
AWS CodePipeline/ CodeBuild/ CodeDeploy

Continuous monitoring


AWS CloudWatch
AWS CloudWatch

Version control

Cloud computing platforms

Log processing




Big Data Systems

Container orchestration platforms


DevOps outsourcing Case Studies

Our latest successfully completed DevOps projects – services and solutions that helped clients automate, optimize, and enhance their operational processes.

Bring us your toughest challenge and we’ll perform your route
to an efficient solution.

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