B2C website for CIVeco
Custom Laravel online store

About project
Client: CIVeco – Industrial equipment supplier for more than 20 years
Business Supplies & Equipment
20 years company
Customer since
Technologies were used
Project Description
CIVeco Online Store is a b2b and b2c platform belonging to an industrial equipment supplier which allows users to purchase a required set of products in several clicks, while the website owner can simply customize the content and its structure via a highly functional admin panel. The website is not only a store, convenient both for the customers and owners, but also a user-friendly catalog, where it’s easy to find a needed product and detailed information about the supplier company itself.
Description of Work
The agile methodology had been chosen for frontend and backend development. Later it was supplemented by the Scrum framework to adjust constantly to never-ending demands of the business. The whole development period included such stages:
- Requirements eliciting and prioritizing
- Prototyping of the system
- Logo and Website design developing and agreement
- The key features implementation
- Website initial content filling
- The mobile layout implementation
- QA Testing of the system
- The website SEO optimization

The webshop
- multiservice payment system: Visa, mastecard, CB, Paypal are maintained;
- automated invoices management: while the admin gets all the required customer’s information (including the generated bar-code), the user gets the order confirmation;
- user registration for future tracking: the user can register to make the purchases faster and see the orders history, while the admin get a required info for the targeting.
The content management system
- a custom Laravel solution;
- a secured admin panel with an intuitive interface;
- an ability for the admin to manage the products description and availability on the website (the price can be hide and displayed as well);
- an option to change the website structure: the admin can not symply change the content, but delete or add new website sections in and easy way.

Simple navigation and fast search
- the website designed to provide an intuitive navigation experience for the end user;
- if the user prefers an alternative to the navigation, the filtering, sorting and searching functionality is highly fast and reliable.
The mobile layout
Civeco Online Store webside has a responsible layout and with special version not only for smartphines, but for iPads and Android tablets as well.

Flexibility as a response to fast-changing market requirements
After the project has been launched, it was found out by the client that there is a need to implement the minimum order border. Due to the thinking ahead project design, the implementation was easy and didn’t take many investments.
Benefits of CIVeco Online Store
Customers and orders number increasing
Online representatives, especially in the combination with the online shopping system, attracted new users and increased the number of purchases coming from the previous customers.
The business card
Owning of the website with the bunch of the information, interesting for users, allowed the client to be prepared for any venues and exhibitions in a faster way while feeling confidently during the events.
Long-running investment
The highly functional admin panel allowed the client to adapt the website for the constantly changing business needs for a long period of time without a necessity to engage a development team for small structure and content improvements.